Major General Tibon spent his military career specializing in counter terrorism and homeland security.
His command positions include service as Commander of the 202nd Battalion of the Paratroopers Brigade, Deputy Commander of the Paratroopers Brigade, Commander of the Etzion Regional Brigade, Commander of the Judea Regional Brigade, Commander of the “Nahal” Brigade, Head of the Personnel Division of the IDF Ground Forces, Chief of the Infantry and Paratroopers Corps, Commander of the Judea and Samaria Division and Commander of the Command and Staff College, IDF.
His most recent military position was Commander of the Northern Formation.
He concluded his service at the rank of Major General.
Tibon holds a B.A. in History from the University of Haifa (Summa Cum Laude) and an MA in Public Administration from Harvard University (Summa Cum laude).
He is a graduate of the Command and Staff College, IDF and of the US Marine Corps University, Command and Staff College.
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