Just recently, foreign dignitaries arrived in Israel for the historic commemoration of the liberation of the Auschwitz extermination camp, arguably the most notorious of the camps active during World War II. The event, hosted by Yad Vashem and the World Holocaust Forum, drew presidents and princes, prime ministers and clergymen from around the globe, and was the largest gathering of international dignitaries Israel has ever seen. 

[In]dependently Strong: Israel and U.S. Military Support

[In]dependently Strong:  Israel and U.S. Military Support

After Soleimani’s death, rather than imploding in a scramble for military leadership as some erroneously predicted, Soleimani was quickly replaced and Iran’s military resumed its threat to regional security in the Middle East. Iran’s aspiration to become a regional hegemon has not waned. 



The decision by U.S. President Donald Trump to unveil his plan for an Israeli – Palestinian peace arrangement is a bold break from the past. It marks a new starting position that departs from previous proposals based on failed assumptions and better reflects the changing reality of the Middle East.

Priority Number One: Israeli unity, not personalized politics

Priority Number One: Israeli unity, not personalized politics

Among all of the threats facing the State of Israel, internal division and polarization are the most severe. Without internal cohesion, Israel will not be capable of taking on external threats. However, with unity and solidarity, Israel can overcome any challenge.

Israel, Trump's White House & Liberal American Jewry

Israel, Trump's White House & Liberal American Jewry

As we enter the new decade, the time is right to ask how Israel can amend ties with the mostly liberal American Jewish community, while safeguarding strong relations with the White House. This is especially urgent in light of the recent killing of Qasem Soleimani and its reverberating impact across the globe and region.

Iran’s Primary Lesson From The Killing Of Soleimani

Iran’s Primary Lesson From The Killing Of Soleimani

The Iranian reaction to the killing of Qasem Soleimani, which some news reports tied to critical intelligence provided by Israel, has thus far been a textbook example for how Iran responds asymmetrically to threats. First, Iran launched a barrage of ballistic missiles against two air bases in Iraq where coalition troops reside.

In Monsey: To be seen we must first see each other

In Monsey: To be seen we must first see each other

This past Shabbat, we read the story of Vayigash – And He Drew Near, the penultimate portion of the book of Genesis.

It recounts the tale of the brothers reconciliation with Joseph, the sibling they sold into slavery, who rose to become viceroy of Egypt. He’d been separated from them for so long that they no longer recognized him.

Killing Qasem Soleimani

Killing Qasem Soleimani

As has been covered extensively by American and international news media, General Qasem Soleimani’s death on Friday, January 3, 2020, in Baghdad, Iraq, was a history-altering event. The legal and justifiable strike of an arch-terrorist leader in a United States military theater of operations was in response to the recent attacks on the United States Embassy in Iraq and Soleimani’s history of unprecedented influence and violence within Iraq and the greater Middle East. Jews, the question bears mentioning, should Jewish Americans be worried for our future in the United States?

VIDEO: Israel & The New Middle East: North, South, East, West & Space. Capitol Hill Briefing with former Acting Director of the C.I.A., Mike Morell

The MirYam Institute Presents: A Conversation with Yaakov Peri (Former Head Of The Shin Bet & Former Minister For Space & Technology) and Mike Morell (Former Acting Director Of The C.I.A.) Moderated by Benjamin Anthony (Co-Founder and CEO of the MirYam Institute) Where: Capitol Hill When: March 11th, 2019

Reflecting on 5779

Reflecting on 5779

As a new year on the Jewish calendar begins, we are well served to reflect on the year that was 5779. For the American Jewish community, it was unfortunately a year marked with trouble. Without question, the most devastating event that will be remembered this year was the terrorist attack at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.